Practice name application
Fill out our online form to request approval of a practice name by the College. You can also review the College's Practice Advisory on Practice Names. We do not grant the exclusive right to use practice names. Our approval of a practice name should not be construed in any way to be a grant of the right to use such name at law.
Annual renewal instructions
We provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete our annual licence renewal process.
Recent News & Updates
Canada Post strike has ended – RCDSO mail service impact
The Canada Post strike, which began on Friday, November 15, officially ended on Tuesday, December 17. While normal mail services are expected to resume, there may still be outstanding delays as Canada Post works through a backlog. We kindly ask for your patience as we navigate this transition.
Antibiotic use in dentistry
Most toothaches are the result of inflammation, not infection. Despite this, antibiotics are still commonly prescribed, contributing to the growing rise of antimicrobial resistance—one of the top ten global public health threats.
Think about your online interactions
Your professional, ethical and legal obligations extend beyond your clinic or office. Inappropriate professional and personal online activity, whether you are using your title or not, could cause harm to patients and reflect poorly on the profession.