RCDSO Elections

What is Council?

RCDSO’s Council is the College’s  board of directors, providing oversight of the College’s affairs and governing Ontario’s dentistry profession in the public interest.

Council’s duties are high level and include:

  • setting and monitoring the College’s strategic direction
  • establishing bylaws, standards, and policies that shape the regulation of dentistry
  • monitoring the effectiveness of College’s program areas ensuring compliance with legislation and other relevant laws and regulations

As members of the College’s board of directors, Council members have a fiduciary relationship with the College. They have a legal responsibility to act in the best interests of the public. By accepting a position as a Council member, they occupy a position of privilege, and all discussions and decisions will influence trust and confidence. Their personal interests, the interest of any dentists who elected them, and the interests of the dentistry profession must be secondary to regulating the profession in the public interest.

Council is composed of 23 to 25 members: 12 elected dentists; two selected (academic) dentists; and nine to 11 public members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.

Council has one employee:  the Registrar & CEO.  Council does not direct operations for the College. It monitors the progress and achievement of strategic goals, not the plans or tactics to get there.

Time Commitment Required

Serving on Council requires a significant time commitment and flexibility in your schedule to accommodate meetings.

Council is currently meeting six times a year. This includes a combination of half-day virtual and full-day in-person meetings held at a Toronto venue. Council members are expected to attend every meeting. Preparation time before each meeting is typically a half day to a day.

In addition to Council meetings, Council members must sit on at least one committee. The time commitment for each committee varies. Please see the time commitment table for information on expectations for each committee.

It is important that Council members are available to participate in Council and the committees they are appointed to. If you are considering running for election, discuss the time commitment with those who may be affected, including your partners, associates, teams and your employer (if applicable).

2024 Council Elections

In December 2024, registrants in twelve districts will elect a dentist from their respective electoral district to Council. Elected Council dentists will serve a two-year term beginning at the first Council meeting on January 23, 2025.

Application process

New candidates interested in running for election are required to complete an online orientation module about the expectations and duties of Council and committee members, and the role of the College. This 45-minute module provides insight into whether candidate’s interests, skills, and experience align with the College’s public interest mandate.

We have a competency-based selection process and are focused on enhancing the skill set and diversity of perspectives on Council. Registrants must meet specific competency requirements to be eligible to run for election to Council.

Applicants must also complete the online Council Candidate Application Form, where they can describe their relevant knowledge, skills, experience, diversity attributes, professional achievements and contributions. Applicants must also upload a curriculum vitae and write a brief statement setting out why they wish to run. Staff will screen applications for completion and eligibility requirements set out in the bylaw.

The determination about whether applicants meet the required competencies and can stand for election is made by the Governance Committee, composed of public and professional Council members, and external subject matter experts with expertise in professional regulation and governance. Applicants who have not yet undergone competency-based selection will be assessed by the Governance Committee against the competency requirements.

Equity, diversity and inclusion

Equity, diversity, and inclusion are priorities for the College. While we encourage all eligible registrants to apply, to suit our Council composition needs and enhance diverse perspectives on Council, we are particularly encouraging applications from eligible registrants whose identities/voices have been underrepresented on Council and committees:

  • Persons who identify as First Nation, Métis, or Inuit 
  • Persons who identify as members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community 
  • Persons of African or Caribbean ancestry, Black-identifying 
  • Francophones 
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Dentists with 10 or less years in practice. 


Council members will receive a per diem to compensate for attendance at meetings.  The per diem rate is reviewed regularly and is not designed to fully offset any potential lost income or revenue from your practice.  As a not-for-profit, public interest organization there is an element of altruism in the work.  Council members are also reimbursed for all reasonable expenses related to College work including meeting time, travel, accommodation and meals. Rules related to compensation, including the current per diem rate, are set out in the College bylaws.


For information about how to apply for this exciting opportunity and the expectations of Council members, see our Election Guide or email us at elections@rcdso.org

All application requirements must be met and received by Friday, September 20, 2024 at 4 PM, for a registrant to be considered for the election.

We look forward to hearing from those interested in contributing to the governance of the regulation of dentistry and working collaboratively to set directions that support safe, competent and ethical dental care for all patients.

Key election dates for 2024

Council elections will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Registrants who are eligible to vote will receive a ballot by email on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, along with information about the candidates and voting instructions.


Election procedure


Issue call for nominations

Friday, August 16, 2024

Deadline for nominations / candidate eligibility date / voting eligibility date

Friday, September 20, 2024 at 4:00 PM

Candidates notified of eligibility

Friday, October 25, 2024

Candidate slate announced to registrants

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Voting begins

Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 2 PM

Voting deadline (Election Day)

Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 2 PM

Candidates notified of results, results made public

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Council term begins

Thursday, January 23, 2025