Instruction Guide for Non-Council Committee Appointment Application Form

This guide will help you complete the Non-Council Committee Appointment Application Form.

The process to become appointed to a committee includes completing the following as part of this online application:

  • Part A: Application and Eligibility Questions;
  • Part B: Declaration;
  • Part C: Committee Skills Matrix Questionnaire;
  • Part D: Chair Skills Matrix Questionnaire (voluntary);
  • Part E: Diversity Self-Identification Questionnaire (voluntary); and
  • Part F: Uploading your curriculum vitae and writing a brief statement of interest.

The Eligibility requirements for committee appointment are set out in Article 9A.2.1 of By-law #9.

The application will take between 45-60 minutes to complete. If you leave the application and return to it later on the same device using the same IP address, your progress will be saved. The due date is Monday, November 11, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.  All information provided must be complete and accurate as of that date, which is the eligibility date. If you have any additional questions after reading this guide, please email College staff at

The Governance Committee may review the application form, and any supporting materials as part of the competency-based selection process to help inform committee and/or chair appointments. Council will make appointments in January 2025 based on competencies and needs of the committees and applicants will be informed about the status of their application following the January Council meeting.

A dentist is eligible to put their name forward for both election to Council and application to serve as a non-Council committee member, but can only serve in one role. Dentists who wish to do so must complete both forms. If the dentist is a successful candidate in the election, their name will be removed from the list of people applying to serve as a Non-Council committee member.

Question instructions and background

(Read in conjunction with corresponding online application form questions)

  1. No instructions needed. 
  2. No instructions needed.
  3. No instructions needed.

Part A: Application and Eligibility Questions

Answer these questions with information that is accurate as of the eligibility date, which is November 11, 2024. Certain responses to the questions may mean you are not eligible. You will be advised of this once your application is reviewed by College staff.

  1. No instructions needed.
  2. The online module Orientation Training: Council/Non-Council Committee Positionsis an eligibility requirement that must be completed by all dentists who wish to serve on committee. While the course must be completed by November 11, 2024 at 9:00 am, you are strongly encouraged to complete the module before beginning to complete the online Application Form. The Orientation Training includes information about eligibility, duties/expectations and the mandate of the Council and committees, which will help you complete the Form. All new applicants must complete the course. The course takes about 45 minutes to complete and will be helpful to ensure your goals align with the established duties, obligations and expectations of Council/Committee members.
  3. A dentist who has not met all of the requirements relating to the College quality assurance program is not eligible for committee appointment. This includes any mandatory continuing education requirements and, if the dentist has been selected to complete it, the successful completion of the Practice Enhancement Tool (PET). If you are unsure if you have met all of the requirements, please contact the quality assurance department at for CE enquiries and/or for PET enquiries.
  4. You are not eligible for committee appointment if you are in default of fees or owe money to the College or have not completed and returned any forms required by the Regulation. 
  5. See above. 
  6. You are not eligible for committee appointment if you are the subject of an interim order. An interim order is made by a panel of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, imposing terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions on a dentist’s ability to practise or suspending the ability to practise pending the outcome of a matter, including the investigation of a complaint or a report or a discipline or fitness to practise matter where there is a likely risk of harm or injury to patients.
  7. A dentist whose certificate of registration is subject to a term, condition or limitation, other than one applicable to all dentists holding that class of certificate, is not eligible for committee appointment.
  8. A dentist who has a notation on the Register of an Undertaking resulting from a matter before the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee or Discipline Committee or a notation of a finding of negligence by a court is not automatically ineligible for committee appointment. However, before recommending any dentist to Council for appointment to a committee, the Governance Committee shall consider the dentist’s history. For full details about eligibility see articles 9A.2.1 and 9A.5.7.1 of the College’s by-laws. If you have questions please contact
  9. A dentist who is subject to an undertaking in relation to a fitness to practice matter (whether or not listed on the Register) is not automatically ineligible for committee appointment. However, before recommending any member to Council for appointment to a committee, the Governance Committee shall consider the member’s history. For full details see articles 9A.2.1 and 9A.5.7.1 of the College’s by-laws. If you have questions please contact
  10. A dentist who has been ordered to receive a caution and/or been required to complete a Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Program (SCERP) by a panel of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee on or after October 1, 2015 is not automatically ineligible for committee appointment. However, before recommending any member to Council for appointment to a committee, the Governance Committee shall consider the member’s history. For full details see articles 9A.2.1 and 9A.5.7.1 of the College’s by-laws. If you have questions, please contact
  11. A dentist who has been ordered to receive a caution and/or been required to complete a Specified Continuing Education or Remediation Program (SCERP) by a panel of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee in connection with maintaining of professional boundaries is not eligible for committee appointment.
  12. A dentist who is currently the subject of a Registrar’s investigation and/or the subject of an incapacity inquiry is not eligible for committee appointment.
  13. A dentist who is currently the subject of a disciplinary or incapacity proceeding is not eligible for committee appointment. 
  14. This question applies to all orders of a Discipline Committee in any jurisdiction related to dentistry or any other profession, whether or not the decision was published. If it is not a decision of the RCDSO, attach a letter with details of the finding and penalty and any other relevant information for the consideration of the Governance Committee. A dentist who has been the subject of an Order of the Discipline Committee, is not automatically ineligible. However, before recommending any member to Council for appointment to a committee, the Governance Committee shall consider the member’s history. For full details see articles 9A.2.1 and 9A.5.7.1 of the College’s by-laws. If you have questions please contact
  15. This question applies to all Orders of a Fitness to Practise (incapacity) Committee in any jurisdiction related to dentistry or any other profession. If it is not a decision of the RCDSO, include a letter with details and relevant attachments for the consideration of the Governance Committee. A dentist who has been the subject of an Order of the Fitness to Practise Committee, is eligible for selection as a non-Council committee member once all aspects of Order have been complied with. However, before recommending any member to Council for appointment to a committee, the Governance Committee shall consider the dentist’s history. For full details see articles 9A.2.1 and 9A.5.7.1 of the College’s by-laws. If you have questions please contact This applies to all Orders of a Fitness to Practise (incapacity) Committee in any jurisdiction related to dentistry or any other profession, whether or not the decision was published. If the decision is not a decision of the RCDSO, please email elections@rcdso.orgwith the details.
  16. A dentist who is currently facing charges under the Criminal Code (Canada) or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act is not eligible for committee appointment. 
  17. A dentist who has a finding of guilt of such an offence is not automatically ineligible. However, before recommending any member to Council for appointment to a committee, the Governance Committee shall consider the member’s history. Enclose a letter providing more information and any relevant attachments for the Governance Committee’s consideration. For full details see articles 9A.2.1 and 5.7.1 of the College’s by-laws. If you have questions, please contact
  18. A dentist who has ever been disqualified from sitting on Council as a result of a breach of the Code of Conduct for Council Members or the Conflict of Interest By-law is not eligible for committee appointment.
  19. A dentist who is currently a party to a legal proceeding against the College (such as a lawsuit or application) is not eligible for committee appointment. 
  20. A dentist is eligible for committee appointment only if a period of at least three years has elapsed since serving as a dental consultant to a third party benefits provider.
  21. A dentist is only eligible for committee appointment if a period of at least three yearshas elapsed since serving in such a role in any organization, association or group whose mandate in any way conflicts with the College’s mandate to regulate dentists in the public interest. Please describe the particulars. Include the terms of reference of the organization and any other particulars about the specific role/position served. College staff may follow up for more information. Please note that this information may be reviewed by a College Committee to determine your eligibility.
  22. A dentist who has been elected to the Council in four consecutive elections is not eligible for committee appointment. For example, a dentist who was first elected to the Council in December 2016 and then was subsequently elected in 2018, 2020 and 2022, is not eligible for committee appointment. A by-election shall be counted for the purposes of determining eligibility under this provision. If the number of consecutive terms served or the date of the last election is not known, email the College at
  23. A dentist who has served for the last two consecutive terms as a non-Council committee member on the Professional Liability Program Committee is not eligible for committee appointment. If the number of consecutive terms served and/or dates are not known, contact
  24. A dentist who served for the last six consecutive years as a non-Council member of a College Committee is not eligible for committee appointment. If the number of consecutive terms served and/or name of Committee is not known, contact
  25. You are eligible for committee appointment if a period of at least six years has elapsed since you were last employed by the College as a salaried employee. If the date of last employment with the College is not known, contact elections@rcdso.orgor the College’s human resources department. A dentist in a casual role such as a paid monitoring officer, facility inspector, mentor or expert is not considered an employee for the purposes of this provision, unless they receive a regular salary from the College.

Part B: Declaration for Committee Applicants

  1. The declaration is an eligibility requirement and must be completed by all candidates along with the other sections of the application by November 11, 2024, at 9:00 am. You must check all boxes for this question to be considered complete and to be able to proceed to the next page of the application.
  2. The acknowledgment and agreement shall remain in effect until your term as a committee member expires. This agreement and your obligations with respect to confidentiality continue indefinitely.

Part C: Committee Skills Matrix

  1. All candidates must complete these questions and indicate their preferences for committees on which they wish to serve. Candidates are able to rank as many as five they are interested in. While preferences will be considered, they may not be granted as the College has adopted a competency-based selection process and is committed to improving equity, diversity and inclusion on committees. Non-Council committee members are typically appointed to only one committee.
  2. All candidates are required to answer these technical skills questions to ensure that they have the technical specifications to fully participate in meetings and perform the functions of a Council/committee member.
  3. No instructions needed.
  4. No instructions needed.

Yes, I have submitted a Council Candidate Application Form

If you have already submitted a Council Candidate Application Form and have any additional information to add before submitting the Non-Council Committee Application Form, please enter it here.

No, I have not submitted a Council Candidate Application Form

Part C: Committee Skills Matrix

  1. – 38. Applicants are required to answer a series of competency-based questions.

Part D: Committee Skills Matrix Questionnaire

  1. - 42. Please self-assess your ability and experience against the committee competencies listed. Ensure you click a single response for each row for the question to be considered complete.

Part D: Chair Skills Matrix Questionnaire

  1. – 45. Committee members are not required to chair a committee. However, applicants are encouraged to express interest if they are willing and able to do so.

Self-assess your ability and experience against the chair competencies listed. Ensure you select a single answer for each row in order for the question to be considered complete.

Part E: RCDSO Council and Committee Diversity Self-Identification Questionnaire (Voluntary)

This section is voluntary and your response to each question is voluntary. Self-identify according to your comfort level. If you would prefer not to answer any or all questions, please select “I prefer not to answer” for each respective question.

Part F: Curriculum Vitae and Written Statement of Interest

Candidates are required to upload a current curriculum vitae as one of the following file types: PDF or .doc (Word). The maximum file size is 16MB. 

Candidates are required to write a brief statement of interest setting out why they wish to serve as a non-Council committee member, their relevant knowledge, skills, experience, diversity attributes, professional achievements and contributions that demonstrate the competencies for committee members.

Confirm that the information you provided in the application form is complete and accurate as of the eligibility date, which is November 11, 2024, at 9 a.m.

Thank you for your interest in serving on a Committee of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. The College will communicate the Council’s decision to applicants in January 2025.